Handling windows in general and within a multi-monitor setup in special
derived from WindowPad by Lexikos (http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic21703.html)
See also the documentation of original WindowPad by Lexikos (http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic21703.html), as WindowPadX is just a simple clone of WindowPad with reengineering and a few enhancements ....
AutoHotkey v1.1.0 or later.
1.2.2 | 22.Mar.2012 Hoppfrosch [+] WPXA.ahk v0.2.0: wp_RollWindowToggle: Bugfix for rolling up windows to its titlebar |
1.2.1 | 22.Mar.2012 Hoppfrosch [+] WPXA.ahk v0.1.10: wp_GetMonitorFromMouse: Determine monitor where mouse is [*] WPXA.ahk v0.1.10: WPXA_MinimizeWindowsOnMonitor: Minimize windows on screen where mouse is |
1.2.0 | 19.Mar.2012 Hoppfrosch [+] WPXA.ahk v0.1.9: WPXA_TileLast2Windows: Tile active and last window (Credits: ipstone today (http://www.autohotkey.com |
1.1.1 | 26.Jan.2012 Hoppfrosch [*] WPXA.ahk v0.1.8: WPXA_MaximizeToggle: Bugfix to actually toggle Maximization |
1.1.0 | 13.Jan.2012 Hoppfrosch [*] WPXA.ahk v0.1.6: WPXA_TopToggle(): Reanimated Notifications [+] WPXA.ahk v0.1.7: WPXA_RollToggle: New action for toggling rolling a window to its captionbar |
1.0.1 | 13.Jan.2012 Hoppfrosch [*] WPXA.ahk v0.1.5: WPXA_MouseLocator: Using integer coordinates for Gui Show |
1.0.0 | 12.Jan.2012 Hoppfrosch: Initial release of WindowPadX |
Toggles Rollup of a window (Rollup to caption bar)
wp_RollWindowToggle( hwnd )
Get the index of the monitor where the mouse is
wp_GetMonitorFromMouse( default = 1 )
Minimize all windows on the given Screen or all windows on screen where where the mouse currently lives
WPXA_MinimizeWindowsOnMonitor( md )
Tile active and last window
Maximize or restore the window.
WPXA_MaximizeToggle( winTitle )
Toogles “Always On Top” for given window
WPXA_TopToggle( WinTitle )
Toogles “Roll/Unroll” for given window
WPXA_RollToggle( WinTitle )
Easy find the mouse