Clips (restricts/confines) the mouse to a given area
wp_ClipCursor( Confine = True, x1 = 0 , y1 = 0, x2 = 1, y2 = 1 )
Get the index of the monitor containing the specified x and y coordinates.
wp_GetMonitorAt( x, y, default = 1 )
Get the index of the monitor where the mouse is
wp_GetMonitorFromMouse( default = 1 )
Get the index of the monitor containing the specified window.
wp_GetMonitorFromWindow( hWnd )
Get window property.
wp_GetProp( hwnd, property_name, type = "int" )
Determine whether fiven window is set to always on top
wp_IsAlwaysOnTop( WinTitle, IsSetByWP = )
Determine if we should attempt to resize the last found window.
Restores windows position and size previously stored with wp_RememberPos
wp_IsWhereWePutIt( hwnd, x, y, w, h )
Helper function for detection of window movement by user.
wp_RememberPos( hwnd )
Remove window property.
wp_RemoveProp( hwnd, property_name )
Restores windows to state according properties
Toggles Rollup of a window (Rollup to caption bar)
wp_RollWindowToggle( hwnd )
Set window property.
wp_SetProp( hwnd, property_name, data, type = "int" )
Stores windows position for restoring it later
wp_SetRestorePos( hwnd, x, y, w, h )
Custom WinExist() for implementing a couple extra “special” values.
wp_WinExist( WinTitle )
Custom WinGetTitle() for getting either title of “last found” window or window given by title
wp_WinGetTitle( WinTitle )
Get most recently minimized window.
Get next window beneath the active one in the z-order.
Minimizes a window to a tray icon.
wp_WinTraymin( hWnd = "", nFlags = "" )
Toogles clipping mouse to current monitor
Clips (Restricts) mouse to given monitor
WPXA_ClipCursorToMonitor( md )
Expand the window to fill the virtual screen (all monitors).
WPXA_FillVirtualScreen( winTitle )
“Gather” windows on a specific screen.
WPXA_GatherWindowsOnMonitor( md )
Maximize or restore the window.
WPXA_MaximizeToggle( winTitle )
Minimize all windows on the given Screen or all windows on screen where where the mouse currently lives
WPXA_MinimizeWindowsOnMonitor( md )
Easy find the mouse
move and resize window based on a “pad” concept.
WPXA_Move( sideX, sideY, widthFactor, heightFactor, winTitle )
Moves mouse to center of given monitor
WPXA_MoveMouseToMonitor( md )
Move window between screens, preserving relative position and size.
WPXA_MoveWindowToMonitor( md, winTitle )
Toogles “Roll/Unroll” for given window
WPXA_RollToggle( WinTitle )
Tile active and last window
Toogles “Always On Top” for given window
WPXA_TopToggle( WinTitle )
Minimizes a window to a tray icon.
WPXA_TrayMinWindow( WinTitle )
Returns the current version of WPXA